[Hidden-tech] Trademark advice

Karl Hakkarainen kh at queenlake.com
Mon Feb 24 14:06:19 UTC 2020

The difference is that the trademark applies to "Soap Box" Derby. Because
trademarks applications apply to exact words and marks, the space does
That said, one of the things that gets IP lawyers involved is when there is
likelihood of confusion between trademarks. Using the phrase "Soapbox
Derby" could make a reasonable person believe that the derby is affiliated
with the "Soap Box Derby," a mark owned by International Soap Box Derby,
This is a pretty good summary of the "likelihood of confusion" issue:
Again, I am not a lawyer, but I would avoid using Soapbox Derby in an
event. The risk is small, but the impact could be big.

On Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 11:28 AM Michael Muller via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I'm looking to see if I can use the term "soapbox derby" for some upcoming
> events, and am a little confused by my search results.
> Using the US Patent and Trademark Office website, I find no results for
> that exact phrase:
>    - http://tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=tess&state=4807:ntmvtq.1.1
> But on another USPTO page, I do find a hit:
>    -
>    https://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=87034942&caseSearchType=US_APPLICATION&caseType=SERIAL_NO&searchType=statusSearch
> And, using other websites, I find all kinds of hits and misses:
>    -
>    https://www.trademarkengine.com/free-trademark-search/trademark-search
>    -
>    https://app.trademarknow.com/free-trademark-search?q=registry%3A%60us%60%20registry%3A%60eu%60%20mark%3A%60soapbox%20derby%60
>    - https://www.corpnet.com/trademarks/free-search/
> What's the best way to make sure, and what's your experience with
> searching and filing trademarks?
> Thanks,
> Mik
> --
> Mik Muller, president
> Montague WebWorks
> 413-320-5336http://MontagueWebWorks.com
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