[Hidden-tech] Learning Redis

Alex Kalish alexkalish at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 20:30:29 UTC 2020

Hey Alan,

Redis tends to be a pretty easy component to learn and use.  To get
started, I would suggest installing it locally.  If you have a Mac, it's
easy to get via Homebrew.  Then just jump into the CLI and start getting
and setting values.  Command docs are here <https://redis.io/commands>.
Their docs in general are usually pretty great.  If you are using this with
a Python app, I would be blown away if there wasn't an easy to use client
library.  As far as AWS goes, I would suggest using ElastiCache, which can
be powered by hosted/managed Redis nodes.  This way, no need to run the
service yourself.

Does that help at all?


On Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 3:21 PM Alan Frank via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> I am creating a hybrid local/AWS application in Python and would like to
> be able to access Redis on Elasticache both from a Lambda function and
> from my local code. I have no idea at all how to get started. I have
> done many web searches and have read all the AWS documentation I can
> find. I have found much information on configuration and setup, as well
> as information about Redis syntax (e.g., HSET, INCR) but nothing about
> APIs for actually making calls to execute these commands.  Stack
> Exchange has informed me that this type of problem is not appropriate
> there.
> I'd appreciate any resources Hidden Techers might be able to provide.
> --Alan
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