[Hidden-tech] Wiki Pages

Rich@OTN rich at on-the-net.com
Tue Apr 28 15:46:57 UTC 2020

I believe you mean Wikipedia.com

Wiki is a general term for that style of web site, for example we run 
Shakerpedia.com about the Shakers.

and There is no THEY at Wikipedia - there are many topic editors
and edits are shown so there is no removal of pages unless they are 
illegal of some sort - blatant lies, slander, indicting violence etc.

In short you are best to create an account and create a page using 
resume like info, and basing it on those of others in the field you best 


On 4/28/2020 10:07 AM, Dédé Wilson via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Anyone have experience creating WIKI pages that “work”. It looks easy enough and yet I have read that WIKI will remove pages that they deem not “good enough”. So I am looking for someone to create a page for me. Any input appreciated
> Dédé Wilson
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