[Hidden-tech] Graphic design contest for a card deck

Deborah Chandler debchandler411 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 18:30:47 UTC 2019

Ha! Our replies came in at the same time, Todd. Are you still involved with
the Graphic Artists Guild?


On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 1:56 PM Todd LeMieux <todd at toddlemieux.com> wrote:

> Great replies, and I completely agree.
> I really haven’t seen this in any other industry outside of creative
> services (designers, web developers, photographers, musicians, etc)
> “contests” to get essentially free work (and usually underpaid, for the
> “winner”, if there is any payment involved). It’s just plain wrong.
> Deb, your point is a valid comparison. Imagine having a similar contest
> for bookkeeping services, or for legal representation? You get the point.
> Sincerely,
> Todd
> -------------------
> Todd M. LeMieux
> 413.237.6869
> [Graphic Design + Creative Direction]
> Twitter <http://twitter.com/toddmlemieux>  |  LinkedIn
> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/toddmlemieux/>  |  Facebook
> <http://www.facebook.com/toddmlemieux>
> Good Design Will Prevail.™ <https://www.behance.net/toddlemieux>
> On September 26, 2019 at 1:43:29 PM, Deborah Chandler via Hidden-discuss (
> hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net) wrote:
> Hi Jessica,
> I agree with Rich. If your business is a profit-making business which
> offers services to help people thrive, then paying for graphic design
> services are helping a qualified graphic designer to "thrive".
> What you have proposed is called "spec work", where you are only willing
> to pay for a "winning" design. This spec work is frowned upon in the
> graphic design industry. Imagine you sit down at a restaurant and you ask
> them to serve you 6 different dishes, you try each one, and only pay for
> the one you found tasty. You would never do that. Not many professions deal
> with this issue the way creatives do. And the Graphic Artists Guild, among
> others, speak up about it, have worked on Pricing and Ethical Guidelines
> (PEGS) for just these types of issues, and support their members as they
> adhere to these industry guidelines.
> You may be unaware of this issue, you may have seen other people do
> contests like this and thought it was okay to do. But please be aware that
> it is not accepted in our industry, and I for one, kindly request that you
> choose to hire a qualified graphic designer and negotiate fees that pay
> them a good rate for their good work. If you are not familiar with this
> hiring process, how to choose a qualified designer, I am sure there are
> many folks here who can help you out with that, and some will be willing to
> quote on your project and provide trusted advice on various aspects of the
> process through to completion.
> Best on this project,
> Deb
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 8:27 AM Jessica Gifford via Hidden-discuss <
> hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm running a design contest for the back and box of a customized deck
>> of *Connection Cards*, which are used in a program that helps
>> participants get to know new people, build social connections, and develop
>> friendships. Each card has a question that participants answer as part of
>> the program. There will be a $150 prize for the winning design. You may
>> email jessica at growingwellness.life for entry guidelines. Please pass
>> along to anyone who may be interested.
>> Thanks!
>> Jessica
>> --
>> Jessica Gifford, LICSW
>> www.growingwellness.life
>> 413-548-4688
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