[Hidden-tech] Hacked Javascript library

Alan Fleming alanfleming9826 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 23 19:59:22 UTC 2019

I think this is the github page for that library:

Also, Ive found that Angular with the Bootstrap ui directive has an amazing
typeahead tool thats easy to implement, and boundless to customize and
apply completely custom filters:

On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 3:29 PM Alan Frank via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> A frequently-referenced Javascript library page for doing autosuggest
> dropdowns has been hacked.  I am trying to either contact the author,
> find a clean copy, or even find a more appropriate place than this list
> to seek assistance.  The page is
> //netsh.pp.ua/upwork-demo/1/js/typeahead.js.  It was working fine until
> last Friday afternoon.  I went to the home page for the URL and left a
> message shortly after I found the issue, but have gotten no response.  I
> searched for the URL; there are several hits, but none where I was able
> to contact the author (I gave up after a while; there may yet be one).
> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> --Alan
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