[Hidden-tech] Google Suite vs Office 365 opinions sought

Aaron E-J the at otherrealm.org
Tue Sep 10 23:37:58 UTC 2019

There is also Collabrora which is basically LibreOffice in the browser.  
Best of all, it is free and open source (although to use it for free you 
need to set it up your self, there is also the option to use their 
server in which case it is $18 a year per user, still cheaper than 
google suite)

Aaron E-J
The Other Realm LLC
http://theotherrealm.org (Blog)

On 2019-09-10 9:47 AM, Sara MacKay via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Hi Folks
> I need to switch our non-profit to either Google for non- profits or 
> Office 365. Both provide the functions we need. Google suite has the 
> advantage that 1/2 the staff have gmail and are familiar w the 
> platform. Also google forms are really helpful for our 2 program 
> coordinators. Office 365 has the office Suite of programs that we have 
> always used and Word & Excel seem more robust and easier to do mail 
> merges & formatting.
>  So I have 3 questions that I'm looking for opinions on from anyone 
> who has switched people over to one format or the other.
> 1. Has digital transfer of accounts to either been especially hard or 
> especially easy?
> 2. Was using google drive or 1 drive difficult or confusing for low 
> tech-savvy users?  We have 22 staff. Maybe 5 are very comfortable with 
> tech.
> 3. Any thoughts on the administration of either?
> Only 5 staff reported a preference. 2 for Office 365, 2 for Google, & 
> one who says either except sharing a google doc is cumbersome if the 
> receiver doesn't have gmail.
> Looking mostly for red flags or praise to help w the final choice.
> Any input appreciated, thanks.
> Sara
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