[Hidden-tech] What to do about Gaia host - and about the be.coop form

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Mon Nov 18 15:50:33 UTC 2019

To be clear, I've been a domain reseller for close to 20 years, mostly 
via TuCows which became opensrs.
I've handled over 2,000 domains in that time, while a fair bit for 
specialty reseller, not many for some.
(And for haha' note I registered by first domain in 1992, went you had 
to call UUnet for uucp email.

Before I start, please no more odd posts about this to HT -- email me 
offline and I'll summarize,
While important, this is a specialty issue and more then most want to 
hear about.

Ok, back to the current issue:

1) Be.com IS gaia host -- if there is any question,
     see https://www.coop/whois/?ds=be
https://www.coop/whois/?ds=gaiahost <https://www.coop/whois/?ds=gaiahost>

2) Their 'official' statement is at: https://gaiahost.coop/help#status
Many months after the issues started

NET-NET: I suggest against using their form, it's time for them to stop.

3) About your domain: look here to start: https://lookup.icann.org/
4) The official policy about recovering domain registrations are here:

I could not find any simple process at godaddy.  If they were done via 
Wild West Domains,
Look here: https://www.wildwestdomains.com/#/policies
Might be of help

SO to figure this out,
       start by checking your domain at Icann:
                 for when it exprires,  who the registrar is, and if the 
owner is shown.
These all will help determine the next steps.
Also, look at your hosting situation.

The quickest solution ?
Get a new, similar domain - select a new hosting company
do a screen scrape the best you can,
And continue pushing Gaiahost for transfer info.

I aim to collect the various experiences with Gaia and will make a 
summary info post at HT web site.
Anyone who had detailed experiences, please email me offline,
Anyone still stuck I can help with, email me offline.


Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

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