[Hidden-tech] Information on Gaia Host - Has anyone taken them to court?

joanna campe jcampe at remineralize.org
Fri Nov 15 18:38:28 UTC 2019

Dear Community,

I have just joined this list serve to see if I can get more information on
Gaia Host. We are not able to change the plan of our website or migrate it
without an authorization code and we have not been able to get the domains
transferred either.

I have been advised by my hosting service that in order to be able to
transfer the domain successfully, I need to take them to court. Has anyone
in the community done that so far and with what success?

I have been told that I have two choices: take Gaia Host to court (small
claims court?) or to create a new domain and clone the website until the
issue can be resolved. Both of these are time consuming and meanwhile I
have put off my fundraising campaign until the performance of the website
can be improved by migrating it to a new plan.

I appreciate advice on this.

My best,

Joanna Campe
Executive Director
Remineralize the Earth
152 South Street
Northampton, MA 01060 USA

Tel: 413-563-9938
Skype: reminearth
Email: jcampe at remineralize.org

Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon
Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase

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<https://www.patreon.com/RTE>on <https://www.patreon.com/RTE>.
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