[Hidden-tech] Instagram question

Kristi krystyobolyte at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 19:29:21 UTC 2019

Has he tried this? (I know, obvious but just checking)


Kristi A. Bodin
Montague, MA
c: 413-695-9848
krystyobolyte at gmail.com
Legal Solutions in Plain English

On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 12:09 PM Lynne Rudie via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Hello Hidden Techies
> I have a friend who has lost access to his instagram account. He said that
> about 2 years ago, someone “stole” his account and he has been unable to
> regain access to it. The account is still there and visible and under
> someone else’s name, although it hasn’t been used since it was stolen.
> He says that he has tried repeatedly to make use of whatever help
> resources he could find within instagram and gotten nowhere at all.
> He has since made a new instagram account in his own name and it is
> working fine, but he hasn’t been able to recreate the sizable list of
> followers he had with his old account and he would like to be able to
> access some of the other content. He’s also like to make sure it doesn’t
> happen again.
> Does anyone on this awesome list have any suggestions for him to try on
> his own, or any other resources he might find helpful?
> A few years ago I got locked out of my facebook account. The solution was
> to create a new account that I could log in to and then out of so that I
> could then log into my old account. Sounds easy but it took me a while to
> get there. Is there something similar that might work on instagram?
> If you need more specifics in order to help my friend, please let me know
> and I’ll put you in touch with him directly. (I have also recommended that
> he join this list.) I have an instagram account but really only use it to
> look at what my friends have posted so it’s not unthinkable that I would
> have missed some technical details of the situation.
> Thanks very much
> Lynne
> Lynne Rudie Graphic Design
> See my contact info at: LynneRudie.com
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