[Hidden-tech] Montague WebWorks is looking for a JavaScript Ninja

Rich Roth rich at tnrglobal.com
Tue Jun 25 15:00:16 UTC 2019

Please respond directly to Michael Muller <tech at montaguewebworks.com>

Montague WebWorks is looking for a JavaScript Ninja, someone who can 
potentially come to our offices in Greenfield and help tweak some UI code.

Specifically the first job would be to help extend a cascading / chained 
dropdown jQuery tool...

  * https://www.jqueryscript.net/form/Cascading-Dropdown-jQuery-ChainedSelect.html

... so it also supports radio buttons in the chain, as well as toggling 
div containers based on radio button selections.

We are willing to pay $25/hr for up to four hours for this first job, 
with the possibility of setting up a relationship for such interface 
assistance going forward.

Please contact me directly at tech at montaguewebworks.com, and if 
possible, provide screen shots or links to examples of your work.

If possible, this work would need to be completed next week.



Mik Muller, president
Montague WebWorks
50 Miles Street, Greenfield, MA

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