[Hidden-tech] Google Fi?

April Francis aprilannfrancis at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 15:07:37 UTC 2019

hi Annamarie

this article appears to outline the pros and cons of Google FI pretty well:



April Francis
Manager of Web & Digital Strategy

From: 32432521600n behalf of
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 9:50 AM
To: Annamarie Pluhar
Cc: Hidden-Tech Tech
Subject: Re: [Hidden-tech] Google Fi?

Hi Annamarie,

I used GoogleFi for about 3 years and it was great for traveling abroad and around wmass. A few other people here at the office have Fi as well, and it's been good. At the time that I had it, they didn't have a data plan that worked for me, though, and since we use mostly cellular data at our house, we ended up switching to t-mobile. They had a cheaper family plan, more data available, and Google Fi pretty much used T-mobile towers when I was at home and the service was great. T-mobile is just as good for calls, text and data abroad. At least in Europe.

Hope that helps.


On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 9:13 AM Annamarie Pluhar via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net<mailto:hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>> wrote:

Is anyone using Google Fi service for the cell phone? I’m curious to
know how well it works in our area. Considering switching because my
carrier isn’t good abroad and I’m going abroad next month.

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