[Hidden-tech] Google Fi?

Paul Hake phake at hitpointstudios.com
Tue Jan 29 14:22:39 UTC 2019

Hi Annamarie,

I used GoogleFi for about 3 years and it was great for traveling abroad and
around wmass. A few other people here at the office have Fi as well, and
it's been good. At the time that I had it, they didn't have a data plan
that worked for me, though, and since we use mostly cellular data at our
house, we ended up switching to t-mobile. They had a cheaper family plan,
more data available, and Google Fi pretty much used T-mobile towers when I
was at home and the service was great. T-mobile is just as good for calls,
text and data abroad. At least in Europe.

Hope that helps.


On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 9:13 AM Annamarie Pluhar via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Hi
> Is anyone using Google Fi service for the cell phone? I’m curious to
> know how well it works in our area. Considering switching because my
> carrier isn’t good abroad and I’m going abroad next month.
> Thanks
> Annamarie
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Paul B. Hake - CEO HitPoint Inc.
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