[Hidden-tech] Int'l phone calls

Nathan Chung n.chung111 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 05:02:37 UTC 2019

Most messaging apps you get when you sign up with a free service such as
Gmail or Facebook come with voice chat features. As long as you have WiFi
or cell data plan, you can talk to other people on the same service easily.
Google has Hangouts and Facebook has Messenger. With decent WiFi
connections, these apps work quite well.


On Sun, Jan 27, 2019 at 12:16 PM Michael Muller via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> There's also Skype, which does do voice calls pretty well, and works
> across all devices.
> Mik
> Mik Muller, president
> Montague WebWorks
> 413-320-5336http://MontagueWebWorks.com
> On 1/26/2019 6:41 PM, Shel Horowitz via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Both Google and Facebook offer phone options from a computer. You probably
> need to be somewhere with wifi.
> BTW, my cell is Google's Fi service. Works out of the box in 130+
> countries--but it's 20 cents a minute so not good for a long chat. GREAT
> for "I'm at the door, which bell do I ring" or "do you have rooms available
> tonight?" No charge for texting, at least.
> Shel Horowitz - "The Transformpreneur"(sm)
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> On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 2:32 PM eddygold--- via Hidden-discuss <
> hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
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>> Seeking sugg'ns on how to talk to a friend traveling in Egypt and India,
>> cellphone to cellphone.
>> It's not about SIM cards, which phones, plans, etc. -- I've seen those
>> discussions.
>> I'm just looking for an alternative to WhatsApp. Maybe something here?:
>> https://www.maketecheasier.com/alternatives-to-whatsapp/
>> It's an iOS-to-Android phone connection, so no FaceTime, far as I can
>> tell. We just want to talk -- don't necessarily need to see each other on
>> the little screen.
>> This is probably simple -- I've just never done it before.
>> Thanks for any advice,
>> Eddy Goldberg
>> eddygold at aol.com
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