[Hidden-tech] JOB: Technical Instructor

Keyla Centeno kcenteno at thetechfoundry.org
Mon Feb 11 22:01:46 UTC 2019

Hi all,

Tech Foundry is looking for an instructor to teach specific classes taking place between 12:30 and 5PM Monday through Friday. Be a part of a growing non-profit organization and give back to your community by helping our students prepare for a career in IT. We are looking for an instructor for the following classes:

Network Topics - 6 classes of 90-120 minutes + 1 lab (4 hours)

  *   IPv4 (mention Ipv6 and how it's currently being used)
  *   TCP/IP Model
  *   TCP, UDP
  *   Static and dynamic routing
  *   LAN and WAN
  *   VLAN
  *   DNS, WINS
  *   DHCP
  *   Network security basics: port scans and sniffers
  *   Windows Server & Active Directory - 5 classes of 90-120 minutes + 1 lab (4 hours)

Windows Server Services

  *   User account and management

  *   Domains
  *   Group Policies
  *   Federation Services
  *   Manage local sites
  *   DNS and DHCP to route IP addresses

Powershell - 3 classes of 120 minutes + integrated Active Directory lab (4 hours)

  *   Basics of Powershell: Objects, Properties, Methods, Constructors
  *   Cmdlets for AD

Imaging and Deployment - 3 classes of 130 minutes + 2 labs (4 hours)

  *   Imaging using WDS
  *   Push images
  *   Backup and restore images
  *   Using MDT as an overlay to customize images (optional)

End Point Security - 2 classes of 120 minutes + 1 lab (4 hours)

  *   Security best practices
  *   Types of malware
  *   Administer Avast Business
     *   Creating a template and applying specific groups and policies.
     *   Test effectiveness of product through EICARS.
     *   Locate logs for quarantined malware.
     *   Create exclusions and showcase behavior after infected with EICAR.

If interested please apply through Indeed: https://www.indeedjobs.com/tech-foundry-inc/_hl/en_US?cpref=JXWAtnzf3XWjLOi4YeVNLnsfzg9-fxtSdsexymBctFo
For any questions regarding the job please contact Natalie Miknaitis at natalie at thetechfoundry.org<mailto:natalie at thetechfoundry.org>


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