[Hidden-tech] PodCamp of WesternMass #12, Special Discount Limited Time

claudia at claudiagere.com claudia at claudiagere.com
Mon Dec 2 17:03:01 UTC 2019

One event I look forward to each year is PodCamp of Western Mass, now in
year 12. It's a great event for reconnecting with old friends in the tech
community. PodCamp offers a unique forum, called an unconference for anyone
who wants to teach or learn about social media. You can get a discount on
tickets offered this week only or until the discount tickets are sold out. 

PodCamp WesternMass #12

Saturday, February 29, 2020 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (EST), Valley Venture
Mentors, Springfield, MA

For more information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/podcampwesternmass/

To purchase tickets:

Hope to see you there. Cheers, Claudia

Claudia Gere & Co. LLC

Helping Smart People Become Outstanding Authors





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