[Hidden-tech] Looking for suggestions on video projector for public presentations

Rich Roth rich at tnrglobal.com
Thu Aug 29 18:44:31 UTC 2019

Looking for any ideas, and esp, experience on getting a video projector 
for our historical society.

It will be used a presentation room, well-darkened with maybe 20-30 people.

We don't need a cinema level projector,  we'd like something on the high 
side of home movie theater
(although for some people, they'd want way more than we need, so that 
might not be a good description)

Anyway, used to be $1,500 and up, now it looks like units in the $3-500 
range will do what we need.

Hdmi of course, VGA might be nice for older laptops, USB for slide showing
remote control would be good, not sure why wifi is needed although some 
offer it.
Does need to be readily available (not tomorrow, by Sept 10 would be good)

Anything else we'd need ??

Here (and the next event): https://www.facebook.com/events/2955970081086340/

Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

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