[Hidden-tech] zinc oxide audio tapes/albums

Deborah Chandler debchandler411 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 10:26:44 EST 2015

Hi Stacy,

Two things I have to offer:
1) When I was finally ready to wrench my homemade cassette tape collection
out of my hands, (I had created hand-lettered graphics on the labels,
complete with set lists, some made on a typewriter) I posted them on
Freecycle. I got a lot of requests for them. This was a few years ago. But
it seems there are still plenty of folks who listen to music on cassette,
and have the equipment.

2) If you would like your tapes to go where folks would value them, you
might ask Keith if he has a shipment going to the Congo. Or I would be very
happy to ask my Kenyan friends who send regular shipments to their folks
back home.

This brings me to a related question: Are there folks here who are involved
with filling and shipping 40' shipping containers to Africa? My Kenyan
friends and I would like to do this, and I have a few orphanages/schools in
Kenya who would dearly love a computer donation, for starters. They also
need so much more...My Kenyan friends know folks at their end (probably a
port in Mombasa) but we need to set up a good location at this end for
storage while we accrue items, etc. I would also like to know about any
means for paying for the shipping costs. A friend recently sent a 40 gallon
barrel to Nairobi and it cost about $300USD to ship.

I am also speaking with a Congolese friend about shipping to DRC, too…but
that effort isn't as well organized just yet.

Good luck Stacy, in your clean out, and if Kenya or the Congo are optional
destinations for your beloved tapes, let me know and I will inquire. (I am
seeing Janice soon, and could possibly coordinate through her.)


On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 9:34 AM, Stacy Kontrabecki <swampdancer at comcast.net>

> Have I posted this question before?
> Use to be there was a prison project you could donate music on tapes to
> (since CD's are banned as dangerous contraband) but I don't thik that
> exists anymore.
> Is there anything I can do with my original albums on tape and the fab
> mixed tapes we all created back in high school, or are they fated for
> the dump? If nothing domestic, how can I get this music to a non-profit
> that might distribute it to another country that still uses vehicles &
> boom boxes with tape decks? I should really clear these out.
> --
> Stacy Kontrabecki
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