[Hidden-tech] Advice needed on secure web pages

Daniel Fried dan at creativeconstructs.com
Fri May 23 13:41:27 EDT 2008


This will often depend on the specifics of your needs.  Assuming you wanted
an entirely web based system built from scratch, they might have needed

1. Set up a database for storing user information.

2. Create an administrative area with a password for you and others with the
ability to grant access.

3. Create a way of adding, editing and deleting user records from within the
administrative area.

4. Create a page or pages on the front end that allow for a user to enter a
username and password and have it validated 

5. Create a page or pages on the front end that will allow people with
validation to view them and redirects others to a login page.

If they set up a purchasing system for these records it would be more
complex of course.

Also, if you currently have other functionality in your site other than
static pages they might have had to integrate into an existing system.

Actually, none of that is particularly difficult.  Most of us who do that
kind of thing reuse the code and can put something together in less than an
hour (once again, depending on the specifics).

There are also plenty of out of the box solutions that provide this ability
as part of a larger system, many content management systems have this kind
of functionality built in.

A lot will depend on their definition of "solid time", and of course whether
they're gouging you for development costs.


-----Original Message-----
From: hidden-discuss-bounces at lists.hidden-tech.net
[mailto:hidden-discuss-bounces at lists.hidden-tech.net] On Behalf Of Irene
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 7:43 AM
To: Hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net
Subject: [Hidden-tech] Advice needed on secure web pages

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I volunteered to create the web site for a group I belong to. We need the
pages as well as pdf, jpg, and other files to be accessible only to those
who have registered and received the login info. Our ISP contact person
wrote " My group has spent some solid time creating this capability for

Is it so unusual to need limited access to pages or is the ISP group
inexperienced? Any other thoughts or suggestions?
Irene Starr

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