[Hidden-tech] Microsoft and support for Windows 10

Neal Priestly neal.priestly at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 16:54:23 UTC 2025

Yes, windows 10 goes end of life on 14 October 2025. Windows 11 will
activate with the same key on most license types, so the upgrade can be
done for free...

...if your current hardware satisfies the Windows 11 requirements. I've
found most installs fail because the older hardware doesn't support TPM2.0.
On a fair number of newer "built for Windows 10" systems, the capability is
there, but turned off in BIOS. A bunch of gear literally has a radio button
on a BIOS setting screen that you toggle to make the TPM available to the
OS. If the hardware just doesn't have a suitable TPM, Microsoft's answer is
to buy new hardware.

(The utility Rufus will make an installer that skips the TPM check, but the
OS doesn't get some updates without it. It kicks the can down the road, but
you're still running a system that has security gaps due to missing OS
updates.  Only you know your threat environment and risk tolerance well
enough to know if you're comfortable rolling those dice. )

On Fri, Jan 24, 2025, 11:35 AM AI Zuckerman via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Dear Hidden Techies,
> I read warnings about Microsoft ceasing support of Windows 10. Is
> this true and if so what should I do?
> Stay healthy and warm!
> Amy Zuckerman
> Hidden Tech mother emeritus
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