[Hidden-tech] Cleaning house - computer books

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Tue Sep 17 19:08:28 UTC 2024

Yup boxes of those - I collected mine on a working web page at:
(the database handling scripts are available - haven't gotten to GitHUB 
them yet,
if interested will share)

Also looking for places to donate, might be an effort that can use some 
I'm thinking smaller colleges with CS programs, maybe even Community 
There might be a larger project here.

I have sent a variety of book to places like the Computer History museum 
(Of SF) and Internet Archives.
The recent court case about IA bears looking into.
And there is a local curator for CHM (really) - if more interest, will 
bring him into this discussion.
At least might have ideas.

FYI, in worst case, be aware that Roundabout Books in GF will take 
anything and has a line (and a dumpster for pickup)  into a paper recycling

Cheers - Rich

On 9/17/2024 1:09 PM, David Greenberg via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Hi,
> I know books are sort of old-school, but I have quite a few 
> programming books - C++, Javascript, PHP, Linux - which I no longer 
> have any use for. Does anyone know of a group or school that might 
> want these? Thanks.
> David
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Rich Roth
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