[Hidden-tech] Results of Western Mass Survey on LLMs' Utility for Firms

Rob Laporte rob at 2disc.com
Fri Nov 15 15:19:56 UTC 2024

Hi All,

Below is the summary of the Western Mass Survey on LLMs' Utility for Firms. I merged LivingLocal413.com’s similar survey answers. The survey is not statistically significant, just suggestive, so below I link to some of my firm’s curation of recent articles and studies. Next week I’ll email HT survey respondents the text of all the comments submitted in the survey.


Big opportunities for all. All business types can benefit from wise LLM adoption.

Human AI/LLM managers are vital to success and will be for years to come.

Pro guidance will save a lot of time/money, boosting ROI.

However, except for case histories--which may be extremes on the upside in the articles--I found only a few good hard numbers on money and time returns (ROI). This relates to my concluding Afterword on Corrupted Journalism.

See my https://docs.google.com/document/d/17-q1DiWX_6FRqzGZEPrOf5EQqPTaZTb03zRQGeSrsuY/edit?usp=sharing. All articles and most studies cited are within the last 3 months. Soon I’ll distill and frame it within the fifth installment of my firm’s https://www.2disc.com/blog/gpts-for-upper-management/.

I believe our region can prosper if, under one umbrella or another, we share advice from our LLM experiences. I like thathttps://www.livinglocal413.org/ aims for non-digital gatherings of warm bodies together with online connections, and among my more sedate fantasies is LL413’s future partnership with Rich Roth’s Hidden-Tech .

Afterword on Corrupted Journalism

A plague threatening Democracy is the prevalence now of news for sale--largely due to Google taking ~80% of news channels' ad revenue. I see this in my industry, throughout general news outlets, and in polling/surveys bought by, and distorted to benefit, the buyer. AI/LLMs’ huge venture capital investments are buying lots of positive news, articles, and studies. Universities bend if not fall to that same sickle because they often get huge grants from tech corporations. It takes more time than working people have to verify each article, though I’ve done so for core LLM concepts at my firm, as well as for the news most important to our nation and its health. Regarding the articles I cite in the doc linked above, I believe they are not too distorted by money interests and are true enough for making sound decisions, but I also suspect that actual aggregate data on time/money invested vs. profit (or public benefit for nonprofits) would tamp down the stats and outlook for micro-, small-, and medium-sized business.

Best Regards,

Rob Laporte

CEO  |  R&D Manager

DISC - Making Websites Make Money
mailto:Rob at 2disc.com, 413-584-6500


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