[Hidden-tech] Cushman wifi mystery

Michael Muller tech at montaguewebworks.com
Wed Nov 13 13:49:50 UTC 2024

Ask them to reboot the router and all other Internet equipment.


Mik Muller, president
Montague WebWorks
20 River Street, Greenfield, MA

On 11/8/2024 10:39 PM, Alan Frank via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Hidden Techers,
> I frequently eat lunch at Cushman Market in Amherst.  For many years, 
> I had no problems with their wifi.  However, in July, I started 
> getting connection errors for most web sites.  For example:
> This site can’t be reached
> https://www.washingtonpost.com/ is unreachable.
> Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
> This site can’t be reached
> Check if there is a typo in webmail.pair.com.
> If spelling is correct, try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
> I am able to access Facebook, Google, and Youtube, among others. I 
> could watch a video on Youtube, so it's not a bandwidth issue.
> I can access https://www.bridgebase.com/, but when I follow the links 
> to log in or to access the VuGraph archive on the same site, it 
> fails.  Perhaps the home page is cached?
> Over time, I experienced the same thing on three different Windows 
> laptops and on my phone, when connected to the Cushman wifi.  None of 
> the devices had any trouble connecting to any of the web sites from 
> home or from other public wifi networks.  I also spoke with another 
> Cushman customer.  He said that he didn't have any trouble, though 
> when he tried then to access washingtonpost.com, he got the same 
> message.  At my request, he also tried fidelity.com--another one that 
> is unreachable for me--and got a basic HTML page, not the normal rich 
> home page.
> I reached out to the owner of Cushman.  She said that she didn't have 
> any problems with those sites, that she wasn't intentionally blocking 
> any of them, and that she could access them from her device; I'm not 
> sure which sites specifically she was able to reach and I don't have 
> direct knowledge that she was using the same network.
> One idea I had was to tunnel through my work VPN to a remote desktop, 
> though at best that will work only until I retire in a few years.  
> There are a couple of ways to do that.  One is through a URL, but of 
> course I can't access that.  Another is to use Windows App.  When I 
> tried installing it while at Cushman, Microsoft Store said that I 
> wasn't connected to the internet, though of course I was--I can 
> navigate the store itself just fine.  I installed it later from home 
> and will try it out the next time I'm at the cafe, which at this point 
> may not be for a while.
> I'd appreciate any suggestions for what the owner or I can do to 
> investigate or resolve this issue.
> --Alan
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