[Hidden-tech] Cushman wifi mystery

Tom Kopec tek at acm.org
Sun Nov 10 22:18:38 UTC 2024

This kinda feels like DNS mishegas to me..

I wonder if you can force your client onto a public DNS and see if that 
works better (I forget what client OS you're running)


On 11/10/2024 3:58 PM, Alan Frank via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Noah,
> Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm not clear on how it would help me.  
> My workplace already has VPN access; I'm sure they're not going to 
> want to host a second one just so that I can access personal websites 
> from Cushman.  Or does the VPN have Tor-like capability to tunnel to 
> those sites without the need to configure a host?  Or am I 
> misunderstanding entirely?
> Also, while a solution that I can set up on my own laptop would be 
> appreciated, I am hoping to be altruistic and find a way to solve this 
> problem for everyone, so each Cushman patron doesn't need to install 
> their own copy of third-party software.
> --Alan


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