[Hidden-tech] Decent PC Mic

ed at edbride-pr.com ed at edbride-pr.com
Fri May 10 18:03:20 UTC 2024

Berkshires Jazz uses a Nuroum conference camera and mic, which works fine. And, it’s portable, in case you need it in a facility or with a computer that doesn’t have its own camera.

Before we got the Nuroum, we used a conference mic that looks like #31 in your list; works fine, well worth it. 


Ed Bride


Edward J. Bride
President, Berkshires Jazz, Inc.
a 501c3 organization
 <http://www.berkshiresjazz.org/> www.BerkshiresJazz.org
Twitter: @BerksJazz
Facebook: BerkshiresJazz.org



From: Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss-bounces at lists.hidden-tech.net> On Behalf Of Michael Muller via Hidden-discuss
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2024 12:35 PM
To: Hidden-Tech Tech <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
Subject: [Hidden-tech] Decent PC Mic


Hey all,

I bought a Samsung Meteor Mic <https://www.amazon.com/Samson-Meteor-Studio-Condenser-Microphone/dp/B004MF39YS/ref=asc_df_B004MF39YS/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693338292879&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17595642789160593330&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001661&hvtargid=pla-381802703416&psc=1&mcid=7d8f7815eda8330c838373b28b139ac8&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwi_exBhA8EiwA_kU1Mnz_NwrddPceMnxvFiSVvK5bLWpsKqHLg-ujP_kcgna8NOFJuRfuMBoClqcQAvD_BwE>  for my PC back when Zoom meetings were kicking in, and after watching and listening to a few meeting recordings I realize now the mic has a very muddled sound. I want a better, clearer sounding mic, and I'm hoping to spend no more than $75 or so.

Not a fan of Amazon, they did come up with a long list of microphones for PC...


Does anyone use any of these, or does anyone have a mic that they're happy with and isn't all muddled?



Mik Muller, president
Montague WebWorks
20 River Street, Greenfield, MA
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