[Hidden-tech] *** Need email listserv advice ***

Deborah Chandler debchandler411 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 22:56:56 UTC 2024

Hi folks,

I need to create an email list for participants in a regional housing
alliance a group of us are creating. (For EMF sensitive folks, fyi)

To start, there will be ~200 participants, and it will grow as word gets
out to those needing help, and could grow to several thousand.

* What platform/email client can you recommend for my numbers of
* I want to be able to change the name once we develop a final group name,
and we create a simple website down the road. Can I do that after email
list is in use?
* Is io a good platform? I am in a few io email groups.
* Are there some good options free of charge?

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