[Hidden-tech] Setting up a non-profit historical trust

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Sun May 28 23:58:31 UTC 2023

I think you might be mixing up Non-profit and trust, or at least your 
summary looks like that.

If you do mean getting donations to pass-on to other groups, than yes, 
I'm not sure you need a trust depending on the size of the fund.

You've probably found this: 

Ck with https://communityfoundation.org/ - I think they handle donor 
advised trusts.
I talked to them at some point and then dollar amount to justify such a 
fund was in X*$100Ks.

A group you might find interestng is H . Grinspoon foundation - 

When you get closer, I can ask for lawyers that work with the groups I 
work with.

Good luck. Rich.

On 5/28/2023 7:05 PM, Chris Hoogendyk via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> How simple is it actually to set up a non-profit in Massachusetts?
> Are there enough pitfalls that one really should have the help of a 
> lawyer?
> I'm interested in setting up a historical trust that would solicit 
> donations, write grants, and fund specific projects that meet the 
> stated objectives of the trust. Bank account, board of directors, 
> agent in residence (me), etc.
> Just get forms from the State and do it?
> Are there self help sites that are really to be avoided? (Showing up 
> in Google sponsored ads when you do a search.) Or ones that are legit 
> and helpful? Or recommendations for a lawyer?
Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

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