[Hidden-tech] Question about ChatGPT and machine learning

Marcia Yudkin yudkinyudkin at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 9 20:29:36 UTC 2023

This question is for anyone who understands how the machine learning in ChatGPT works.

I've been finding ChatGPT useful for summarizing information that is widely dispersed around the web, such as questions like "what are the most popular objections to X?"  However, the other day for a blog post I was writing I asked it "What are some sources on the relationship of X to Y?"  It gave me four sources of information, including the article title, where it was published and who wrote it.  

This looked great, especially since I recognized two of the author names as authorities on X.  However, when I then did a Google search, I could not track down any of the four articles, either by title, author or place of publication.  I tried both in Google and in Bing.  Zilch!

Could ChatGPT have totally made up these sources?  If so, how does that work?

I am baffled about the explanation of this.  One of the publications involved was Psychology Today, so we are not talking about obscure corners of the Internet or sites that would have disappeared recently.

Thanks for any insights.

Marcia Yudkin
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