[Hidden-tech] DKIM and SPF issues

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Mon Jul 10 16:53:07 UTC 2023

there is one trick to this - since there 3 different id records that 
could be the issue, you could do all three which might solve it.

Better is getting someone whose email bounced to send you the bounce -- 
the trick is that you need the whole bounce, that not everyone even know 
how to get
AND not all senders bounce - it tends to be specific SMTP sending 
domains - my experience has been older ones like yahoo or aol

Aside from that- those directions are pretty good - you just have to be 
fairly sure which of your domains are bouncing which sending domains


On 7/10/2023 12:16 PM, Max Hartshorne via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> I have a huge issue in my Rackspace provided email service where 
> replies to people who contact me get sent back as undeliverable. I was 
> told it was because we have to insert code for DKIM and SPF in our 
> nameservers. Can anyone here help me with this?
> https://docs.rackspace.com/support/how-to/enable-dkim-in-the-cloud-office-control-panel/
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Rich Roth
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