[Hidden-tech] A shout-out of appreciation

Mitch Anthony mitch at clarity-first.com
Sat Jul 8 11:13:24 UTC 2023


I have been a grateful member of this bulletin board for more than a decade. Without exception every time I have posted a query here I have found an answer to my question.

Last week I asked for a reference for someone who could hotwire a Sqarespace site. Within the day Bram Moreinis <https://www.linkedin.com/in/bmoreinis/> replied, sharing a link to a Squarepace site that he thought did what I wanted. His idea presented not only a very simple workaround, one that did not require any custom coding, but also greatly improved the UX of the site I am building. He didn’t build the site he referenced, nor did he have anything to gain from sharing it. On his own nickel has found and shared the site because he thought it would be of help to me.

Such an open, generous and expert attitude is such a joy to experience.

Thank you, Bram. Thank you, Hidden Tech. We are lucky people that we can be there for each other.

Mitch Anthony

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