[Hidden-tech] Number of Google search results for a phrase - NOT the number of searches

Marcia Yudkin yudkinyudkin at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 30 21:56:00 UTC 2023


Thanks, but Google trends gives the number of times people have searched for a term.

Instead, I am looking for the number of pages that Google says contain a phrase. Google used to always show this.

For instance, you could put in "walk the talk" and Google would say there were 5,367,897 pages containing that exact phrase.

All best,

     On Monday, January 30, 2023, 04:06:46 PM EST, David Ruderman <david.ruderman at gmail.com> wrote:  
 You can try looking at Google trends.Always fun too.https://trends.google.com/trends/?geo=US
Dave Ruderman (he/him)
david.ruderman at gmail.com

On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 3:04 PM Marcia Yudkin via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to find out how to discover the number of Google search results for a specific phrase.  (It's for an article I'm writing, not for SEO purposes.)  

Google used to show this routinely but apparently they stopped doing so in 2022.  I'm wondering if there's some roundabout way to still get this information.  Anyone know?


Marcia Yudkin / Goshen
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