[Hidden-tech] Looking for a tax consultant/accountant

Rob Laporte rob at 2disc.com
Fri Dec 8 14:20:43 UTC 2023

Hi Tim & HTers,

ChatGPT Aced the CPA exam; I think version 3.5 did, and v4 is better. First place to get answers, if not final answers. Per my firm's ORRR (Objection, Rebuttal, Reply Rule), there's a cascading series of "yeah-buts" to process regarding reliance on ChatGPT for professional advice if not service too, but I don't have time to lay out those trees of thought now.

In Q1 next year, I plan to suggest a formal conversation here on HT about AI/LLM and our professional work. This 1st post of 2 in my planned 3-part series frames the matter: https://www.2disc.com/blog/can-ai-replace-upper-management-lines-in-the-sand/. As in chess or any complex matter,  spending more time seriously considering the positions opposing one's own is advisable in assessing likely AI/LLM impact. BTW, this is one of the best if not the best advisors on AI/LLMs: https://www.youtube.com/@DaveShap. 

Best Regards,

Rob Laporte

CEO  |  R&D Manager

DISC - Making Websites Make Money
mailto:Rob at 2disc.com, 413-584-6500


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---- On Thu, 07 Dec 2023 23:23:12 -0500 Tim Holcomb via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote ---

Hello hidden tech world

II am self employed. 90% of my income comes from carpentry work. Very few of my clients ask for 1099. I hit 70 on June 1st 2025. I  am looking for advice to optimize my SS in retirement. Also interested in someone knowledgeable about Tax Relief programs. 

Many thanks



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