[Hidden-tech] PDF app for Mac

Stacy Kontrabecki stacy at swampdancer.com
Wed Aug 23 20:27:27 UTC 2023

I bit the bullet and bought a new Mac. I can’t use the local Adobe Acrobat
software on it so I’m looking for recommendations on other apps you’ve used
that you like that have the following functionality :

1. Editing/formatting existing text
2. Adding text
3. Combining PDFs
4. Highlighting text
5. Adding images/signatures
6. Reordering pages
7. Bookmarking (ideal but not necessary)

My googling has found PDFelement and PDFexpert, each around $140 for the
local copy, but I haven’t sampled them yet.  Which software do you prefer?
I can’t afford and don’t need the web hosted Adobe suite.


Stacy  Kontrabecki
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