[Hidden-tech] Automating transfer of files from Mailchimp to Wordpress

Paul Stallman aliassolutions at gmail.com
Mon Aug 14 01:28:40 UTC 2023

For clarity I didn’t mean  the Wordpress blog import.  I meant one of the
good import tools capable of this size data stream and yes I know it would
take work to parse the data from mailchimp initially.  I was more implying
that it could be done and blog posts would make more sense than a directory
versus it was “easy” if that was how my reply came off.

On Sun, Aug 13, 2023 at 8:33 PM Rich at tnr via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Paul,
> I think you missed the numbers - there are 363 (7 years of weekly) posts
> with 7 articles each and another 1/2 dozen 1 liners and a few odd articles
> at the end
> == over 2500 articles with a mix of images - AND that is what full text
> search is for handling.
> A quick review of the raw html shows a pattern yet without a simple nested
> html.
> This link shows the last 4 1/2 months:
> https://us14.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=a931d03d317abab2d05c45d22&id=e2e10a616c
> So it needs a intern level worker, an automated imported or very well done
> AI tool - in any case way too much to be just a blog import
> Rich
> On 8/13/2023 7:07 PM, Paul Stallman via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Mitch I think you just need to make them all blog posts and categorize
> them.  I don’t think you need a directory listing.  Your content is what
> blogs are for.  As for automation to import them it would require turning
> the emails into data the. You could import it all.  It’s doable.  The
> categorizing might take the longest.
> paul
> Paul at alias-solutions.com
> On Sat, Aug 12, 2023 at 9:47 AM Mitch Anthony via Hidden-discuss <
> hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
>> Hi Hidden Techies.
>> For the past 7 years I have maintained a weekly email newsletter on
>> MailChimp, first called "Clarity First" and then "Love and Work".  Here's this
>> week's issue
>> <https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?e=__test_email__&u=a931d03d317abab2d05c45d22&id=45f157c6cf>.
>> You'll see each issue is made up of a few commentary posts containing a
>> title, some category words, an image, a caption, a few paragraphs, and a
>> link to the outside source I am commenting on.
>> Now I want to re-sort the individual stories contained in these (363!)
>> posts into a catalog, or a directory, on WordPress, using a theme like this Listbook
>> Directory
>> <https://preview.themeforest.net/item/listbook-directory-listing-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/26739175?_ga=2.104695616.1188362647.1691845704-2033423390.1592069242>
>> .
>> I want export all of these issues, separate each individual story - along
>> with the images - into individual blog posts, categorize them, and then
>> import them into a new WordPress directory site that is searchable by
>> category.
>> I'm hoping that there is an automated way to do this. But this is way
>> beyond my experience level or interest. I'm seeking someone who knows how
>> to do this, or can learn to do this.
>> Can anyone help me?
>> Thanks.
>> Mitch Anthony
>> --
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Sent from my phone and I have big fat fingers so excuse my short poorly
typed response.
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