[Hidden-tech] Automating transfer of files from Mailchimp to Wordpress

Paul Stallman aliassolutions at gmail.com
Sun Aug 13 23:07:53 UTC 2023

Mitch I think you just need to make them all blog posts and categorize
them.  I don’t think you need a directory listing.  Your content is what
blogs are for.  As for automation to import them it would require turning
the emails into data the. You could import it all.  It’s doable.  The
categorizing might take the longest.


Paul at alias-solutions.com

On Sat, Aug 12, 2023 at 9:47 AM Mitch Anthony via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Hi Hidden Techies.
> For the past 7 years I have maintained a weekly email newsletter on
> MailChimp, first called "Clarity First" and then "Love and Work".  Here's this
> week's issue
> <https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?e=__test_email__&u=a931d03d317abab2d05c45d22&id=45f157c6cf>.
> You'll see each issue is made up of a few commentary posts containing a
> title, some category words, an image, a caption, a few paragraphs, and a
> link to the outside source I am commenting on.
> Now I want to re-sort the individual stories contained in these (363!)
> posts into a catalog, or a directory, on WordPress, using a theme like this Listbook
> Directory
> <https://preview.themeforest.net/item/listbook-directory-listing-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/26739175?_ga=2.104695616.1188362647.1691845704-2033423390.1592069242>
> .
> I want export all of these issues, separate each individual story - along
> with the images - into individual blog posts, categorize them, and then
> import them into a new WordPress directory site that is searchable by
> category.
> I'm hoping that there is an automated way to do this. But this is way
> beyond my experience level or interest. I'm seeking someone who knows how
> to do this, or can learn to do this.
> Can anyone help me?
> Thanks.
> Mitch Anthony
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Sent from my phone and I have big fat fingers so excuse my short poorly
typed response.
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