[Hidden-tech] One page of my site has been hacked and I can't figure out how

Michael Muller tech at montaguewebworks.com
Thu Apr 6 18:27:09 UTC 2023

If the ads are aggregate, like Google AdWords, it might be just one ad 
in a series that pops up in that block.


Mik Muller, president
Montague WebWorks
20 River Street, Greenfield, MA

On 4/6/2023 9:32 AM, Jeff Brand via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Looking at the script tag (now commented out) in context, it appears 
> to be tied in with an ad block:
>> <!-- Begin Adify tag for "FrugalMarketingTopRight" Ad Space (120x60) 
>> ID #7758007 -->
> The level of detail in the tag seems to me it was intentionally placed 
> there at some point but since then the company has gone under. 
> Adify.com is now owned by a different sort of Ad company and the 
> ad-servering domains are parked/hijacked.
> If my assumptions about the ad unit are true, the best course of 
> action is to remove them. If not, I would investigate how they were 
> added to the page.
>  - Jeff
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