[Hidden-tech] Someone is trying to impersonate me

Stephen Michel s at smichel.me
Thu Sep 29 11:23:09 UTC 2022

My pet peeve: email clients emphasizing the "friend's name" and sometimes even hiding the <bogus-email at bullcrap.com>. In the name of so-called "user friendliness" they make phishing emails look so much more realistic. /rant

On September 28, 2022 3:45:20 PM UTC, Michael Muller via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
>It's really getting bad. I'm constantly getting emails from friends that are bogus, like "friends name" <bogus-email at bullcrap.com>, and they *always* have an attachment of some kind.
>Eternal vigilance, people.
>Mik Muller, president
>Montague WebWorks
>20 River Street, Greenfield, MA
>On 9/27/2022 5:43 PM, Shel Horowitz via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>> Just a heads-up: I got an email from "Shel Horowitz" whose subject line appears to come from this group, except with an extra D in "Hiddden Tech"--and the from address before the @ sign was the junk addressya08ammr. I am sure that Rich's good filters are keeping it off the list,but if you get something like that in your personal mail, it's a spoofer.
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To respect your time, I try to write short, functional emails.


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