[Hidden-tech] Fwd: Firsting and Lasting: Writing Indians Out of Existence in New England Zoom

Lisa Hoag 1world4all at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 15:05:35 UTC 2022

Hi Folks,
You are invited to attend this important zoom presentation tomorrow night -
9/14 at 7PM:
*Firsting and Lasting: Writing Indians Out of Existence in New England*

Professor Jean O’Brien (White Earth Ojibwe) will speak about her book,
and Lastings, *which discusses how local histories have written indigenous
peoples out of existence - local historians in New England, writing between
1820 and 1880, promoted the myth of Indian extinction, if they wrote about
the Indigenous population at all.

This presentation is sponsored by *On Native Land*: Leverett Advocacy and
Education Group, the group working on Indigenous history of Leverett as
part of Leverett's 250th Anniersary. To learn more about this presentation,
and to register, follow this link:

I am forwarding it from Leverett Historical Commission.

Hope you can make it!

Warm Best,
Lisa Hoag

Firsting and Lasting:
Writing Indians Out of Existence in New England

Sponsored by On Native Land:
Leverett Advocacy and Education Group
A Zoom Presentation by Dr. Jean M. O'Brien
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 | 7 pm
Professor Jean O’Brien (White Earth Ojibwe) will discuss how local
historians in New England, writing between 1820 and 1880, promoted the myth
of Indian extinction, if they wrote about the Indigenous population at all.

Local historians erased Indians from the record by focusing on “firsting,”
which refers to the practice of listing the firsts of the proud English
(e.g. first born, first settlement) and then “lasting,” in which local
histories told of the tragic disappearance of the last members of the
Indian population, who had not disappeared at all. Dr. O'Brien will
describe how these patterns were perpetuated and how they inform our
present day.

During the discussion, presenters will read from the historical record
(found in the Leverett Library and in Amherst’s Jones Library Special
Collections), which demonstrates how western Massachusetts “firsted" and
"lasted" its Indigenous people and often "replaced" them with monuments.

Sliding Scale Admission: $0 - $20

Learn More
 | Register

Sponsored by On Native Land:
Leverett Advocacy and Education Group

46 Bridge Street
Northampton, MA 01060

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Cover of Firsting and Lasting by Jean M. O'Brien

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