[Hidden-tech] AT&T vs Verizon vs T-Mobile

Michael Muller tech at montaguewebworks.com
Mon Oct 24 15:27:49 UTC 2022

I haven't seen that in Greenfield. Currently at full bars.


Mik Muller, president
Montague WebWorks
20 River Street, Greenfield, MA

On 10/23/2022 4:10 PM, Todd Felton via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> I am wondering if there are other Verizon customers out there that 
> have noticed a significant decline over the last 6 months. We used to 
> regularly get 4-5 bars and now are lucky to get 2.
> No recent change in our house or phones.
> Todd
> Todd Felton
> 413.320.3923
> my pronouns: he, him, his
> On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 10:45 AM Denise Batalha via Hidden-discuss 
> <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
>     Thanks so much for this information. I'm sure you'll get many
>     haters telling you to "take off the tin foil hat". EMF affects my
>     homeopathics. So much so, my specialist is up in arms about how
>     much further they're going to go with data and how he will be
>     unable to continue his work if the remedies are compromised and he
>     can't do anything about it. People no longer question a thing...
>     it's as if we're going back to the 30s and people are falling in
>     line with the lies out of communists faces (sorry, been on a Peaky
>     Blinders binge for the 3rd time LOL).
>     On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 9:19 PM Deborah Chandler via
>     Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
>         Hi Mik and all,
>         First, please read this and see if you feel that WhistleOut is
>         truly unbiased:
>         https://www.whistleout.com/Service-Promise
>         Secondly, the coverage maps are hugely inaccurate. Big Telecom
>         lies about everything they do. If you choose a plan with a
>         place like Red Pocket, you can change carriers if one doesn't
>         work out.
>         Thirdly, as someone who has EMF sensitivity from exposure to
>         all the wireless tech they have us marinating in, I request
>         that as much as possible, we go back to reliance on WIRED
>         products and spend less time using a cellphone or other
>         wireless tech. I know some people travel for their work, and
>         need to use a cellphone or laptop on the road, but please
>         remember back in the day, we did not have all this wireless
>         tech. We waited until we were back home or at the office. Are
>         we really more advanced, using wireless when it is NOT even
>         secure, it is slower than wired tech, it takes TEN TIMES the
>         energy of wired devices (yes, it's true), in a time when the
>         media screams about how we must take climate change seriously?
>         And as of January they are banning the sale of incandescent
>         lightbulbs allegedly due to their energy consumption; I have
>         them stockpiled now, I cannot use LED bulbs. And then there's
>         my friend who died twice on the way to the hospital in June
>         after being hit head on by a truck whose driver admitted he
>         was texting and driving. She was very seriously hurt, but
>         thank God is recovering and will be okay. Do we *really* need
>         cell coverage EVERYWHERE we go? Or has Big Telecom brainwashed
>         us into thinking we do?
>         The number of people developing EMF sensitivity is
>         skyrocketing daily. One day you're fine, next day you're no
>         longer able to tolerate being near a cellphone or wireless
>         router. I can no longer make one trip to a big box store
>         without getting sick. I have to rush the trip, getting out as
>         quickly as possible. And I can do very little of my beloved
>         graphic design.
>         You can find lots and lots of information on this topic at
>         https://www.ma4safetech.org, MA for Safe Technology. We just
>         had our monthly Zoom meeting today at noon.
>         Sorry if this was not welcomed information. But cognitive
>         dissonance be damned. There is really never a good time to
>         bring it up. It must be interjected.
>         To those who have endured, thanks for listening. Feel free to
>         write me, I can tell you about recently testifying at the NH
>         statehouse and how the Big Telecom attempted to send in their
>         Good Squad of lobbyists pretending to be there for personal
>         reasons, until my colleague ratted them out. I was elated at
>         her testicular fortitude.
>         Best,
>         Deb
>         On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 1:17 PM Michael Muller via
>         Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
>             Hey hidden folks,
>             I are considering moving my cell service off Verizon to
>             AT&T, partly because we now go to Warwick a lot and have
>             zero Verizon service out there. We've seen people getting
>             texts and calls out near Moore's Pond, while we can't.
>             Anyone currently have AT&T or Sprint/T-Mobile and have
>             comparative stories to tell about coverage in the "fringe"
>             towns of Western Mass?
>             I don't want to say price is not important, but I'm
>             nervous about using a sub-carrier/MVNO that rides on
>             someone else's network. Especially because those services
>             sometimes have less data available, and we use a lot of data.
>             This website, below, seems to show coverage maps, and
>             declares: "AT&T has the widest network reach in
>             Massachusetts for both 4G LTE and 5G coverage, and takes
>             the title for the best network in the state. Verizon comes
>             in second for 4G LTE coverage, with T-Mobile following
>             very closely behind in third place—though the Un-carrier's
>             5G coverage is almost neck and neck with AT&T's state-best
>             network."
>               * https://www.whistleout.com/CellPhones/Guides/Best-Coverage-in-Massachusetts-USA
>                 <https://www.whistleout.com/CellPhones/Guides/Best-Coverage-in-Massachusetts-USA>
>             Is that everyone's experience?
>             Does anyone use Boost Mobile, Metro or Cricket Wireless,
>             and what's your experience?
>             Thanks,
>             Mik
>             -- 
>             Mik Muller, president
>             Montague WebWorks
>             20 River Street, Greenfield, MA
>             413-320-5336
>             http://MontagueWebWorks.com  <http://MontagueWebWorks.com>
>             Powered by ROCKETFUSION
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