[Hidden-tech] Verizon update 5G

Wendy Foxmyn wfoxmyn at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 15:32:04 UTC 2022

I filed my complaint about the degradation of service, and in some areas in
our region, no connectivity, with the local (DA) which links into the AG's
consumer protection division.  I have been in conversation with an
"Executive Level" person and she has acknowledged there are problems,
reading from the technical assessment tickets she receives from that
division, and has refunded my recent payments.  She said there IS a problem
with a tower that serves my area (Leeds/Florence) which ends up reverting
service to a tower near Amherst H.S., where there is also a problem.  Not
sure I have that quite right; not sure she does, as well. They are having
contractors working on that tower, but not until November 30.  She said she
would understand if I switch carriers. I understand it is a problem with
all the carriers and 5G in this area.  I plan to file a complaint with the
Dept. of Telecommunications and Cable and local legislators.  If anyone
would like to join me/help me in this effort, please let me know. I'm
thinking of creating a petition.

Wendy Foxmyn
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