[Hidden-tech] Sample interviewers wanted

Paul Bissex paul at bissex.net
Sat Nov 5 00:31:39 UTC 2022


I'd be happy to be a mock interviewer. I'm not a hiring manager, but I'm 
senior technical staff. And I did a long a thorough job search in 
March/April so my memories (and notes!) of the interview process and 
current market are still fresh.

Drop a note and we can talk details. I love this stuff.


Paul Bissex, software engineer
Greenfield MA 01301 USA

On 11/4/22 12:58, Alan Frank via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> I am a mentor for the Software Development track at Springboard.  The 
> curriculum is mostly technical, but also has a career component. One 
> of my mentees has been doing very well and is nearly finished with her 
> final project, but is running out of time on the career piece.  She 
> needs to do a couple of sample/informational interviews, probably 
> before Thanksgiving.  If anyone has 15 minutes to spare and would like 
> to help, please let me know.  You don't need to have any actual 
> positions open, but it would probably be good if you were in a 
> potential hiring position.
> thanks,
> Alan
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