[Hidden-tech] Looking for quick Google Sheet Chart help

Michael Muller tech at montaguewebworks.com
Thu May 19 16:10:55 UTC 2022

Hey folks,

I'm working on a Google sheet that tracks player statistics for an 
online game I play, and I'd like help with one particular chart. The 
data range is contiguous with the column headers, so labels aren't so 
hard there, but the Y-axis data is separated from the labels by two 
columns (Building and Donation).

Here's a corner snapshot of what I'm dealing with. I'd like to chart 
columns D through AE, using row 1 as the X-axis label, and column 1 as 
the Y-axis label, leaving out columns B and C.

Any help would be appreciated. I have a Zoom account and could share my 
screen if anyone here has a couple minutes to help me out.



Mik Muller, president
Montague WebWorks
20 River Street, Greenfield, MA
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