[Hidden-tech] Looking to hire a Zoom tech helper for a short gig on Sunday

Annamarie Pluhar annamarie at PatientSympatheticCoaching.com
Thu Mar 31 11:16:33 UTC 2022

Hello Tom

I’ve done this for three Zoom memorial services  through my church.  
And been hired for non profit annual meetings.. and serve as TA /Zoom 
help for a Harvard Extension course for the last seven years..

Happy to help. Please have her be in touch. And I’m available on this 
short notice.

And note to everyone . . an online memorial service is wonderful because 
people come who wouldn’t be able to spend the time/money to travel.


Annamarie Pluhar
[Patient, Sympathetic Coaching](http://patientsympatheticcoaching.com)

On 31 Mar 2022, at 0:40, Tom Murray via Hidden-discuss wrote:

> A friend is organizing an online memorial service this sunday with 
> 40-60 people attending. She needs someone to do some tech assistance 
> in the background, including being available for side-question  tech 
> help for people.  I have managed zoom meetings myself, but there is a 
> whole skill set to doing the zoom tech for things like online courses 
> or large meetings.
> It would be from about 3-6:00 this Sunday April 3rd, plus some prep 
> conversation Friday (or Saturday).  She will pay whatever the 
> reasonable "going rate" is.
> Any takers?
> thanks, Tom
> ===---===---===---===---===---===---===---===---===---===---===---===---===---===---===---===---===---===
> Tom Murray, EdD
> Director of Internal Research and Innovation at Stages International 
> <http://stagesinternational.com/>
> Chief Visionary and Instigator @ Open Way Solutions — 
> www.openwaysolutions.com <http://www.openwaysolutions.com/>
> Senior Research Fellow in Cognitive Tools, Educational Technology & 
> E-Dialogue  @ UMass Amherst — www.tommurray.us 
> <http://www.tommurray.us/>
> Knowing and Unknowing Reality (read it here 
> <http://knowingandunknowingreality.com/> )
> 575 Bridge Street #12-5, Florence,  MA 01062; c: 413.695-and-2800.

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