[Hidden-tech] Seeking local experts in animation and game development

Michael Muller tech at montaguewebworks.com
Tue Mar 29 15:06:16 UTC 2022

There's this place...

  * https://www.anothercastledev.com/ <https://www.anothercastledev.com/>


Mik Muller, president
Montague WebWorks
20 River Street, Greenfield, MA

On 3/28/2022 8:56 PM, Gordon Kramer via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Hello, Hidden-Tech community! I have some creative projects in mind 
> that require skills that I have either in small degree, or not at all, 
> and am wondering who's out there that could teach me these skills - 
> and/or do some development work on a freelance basis. I'm specifically 
> hoping to hire locally so it would be possible to meet in person - at 
> least once in while. I'm completely open to hiring students who are 
> still learning these technologies themselves - as long as their skill 
> level is far above mine.
> The areas where I seek expertise are:
>   * Game development: I have some game projects in mind, and am
>     currently (slowly) learning game dev with the Unity engine. I'm
>     looking for someone who could help accelerate my Unity training in
>     a more targeted way - or possibly do some development on an hourly
>     basis.
>   * Animation: This is to be able to move forward on creating music
>     videos that would involve animation mixed in with live footage. I
>     have ideas, I don't know how difficult they would be to achieve.
>     It could be "animation kindergarten" - or not. I don't know enough
>     to judge. I'm looking to hire someone who help me to evaluate the
>     practicality of my own ideas, and then teach me some skills and/or
>     do some of the production work themself.
> I'm a programmer by profession, and not afraid of a technical 
> challenge - but this is new territory for me, so help is needed! If 
> you're hesitant about teaching skills that you rely on for your own 
> career (present or future), please rest assured that I would /not/ 
> become professional competition at any point! This is strictly to be 
> able to proceed on projects that are personally interesting to me.
> Regards,
>    Gordon Kramer
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