[Hidden-tech] Searching for Review / Proof for Smaller Devices (2 cubic yards +/-) Generating Temperatures in Excess of 1, 500 Degrees Centigrade

Harold Murphy hwmurphy at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 16:35:17 UTC 2022

Dear Hidden Tech Community,

We are looking for professional review / proofing of patent and
installation specifications for smaller devices (2 cubic yards +/-)
Generating Temperatures in Excess of 1,500 Degrees Centigrade.

Please reply "off list" to hwmurphy at gmail.com.

Thank you,
hwmurphy at gmail.com
*Harold W. Murphy*
*Murphy Realty*
*Box 60511*
*Longmeadow, MA 01116*
*413-575-2507  hwmurphy at gmail.com <hwmurphy at gmail.com>*
*MA REB.126252 / CT REB.0487774*
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