[Hidden-tech] A/V Live Streaming Consultant

Yadim Medore yadim at purebranding.com
Tue Jan 4 21:55:17 UTC 2022

Dear Hidden Tech Community,

I volunteer for a local Ashram that is in need of a professional A/V streaming setup with equipment and installation.

We’ve been in touch with two companies in the northeast that specialize in church audio/video, one never responded and the other didn’t feel comfortable with the installation needs since it’s a residential buildout vs. commercial.

We’re anticipating a setup that would involve multiple PZT cameras and XLR microphones for picking up both voice and live music, a server, and something like Camstreamer that would allow anyone with a laptop to control the feeds. We want the main camera to hopefully have some ability to control the F-stop for a more cinematic capture/selective focus. We want it to be plug and play so any volunteer with basic tech proficiency could run the broadcasts.

Any help or suggestions for someone to contact would be greatly appreciated.

My best,

Yadim Medore | Founder + CEO
PURE BRANDING<https://www.purebranding.com/>  | 58 Depot Road | Leverett, MA 01054
413-548-9900 x301 | www.purebranding.com<https://www.purebranding.com/>

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