[Hidden-tech] SEO recommendations

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Wed Apr 13 16:55:23 UTC 2022

How about some DYI guidance - as someone who is pretty tech savvy and 
has lots of web projects,
I'd like to bring the SEO quality of my sites up to snuff.

At the some time, these are not sites that justify bring another 
consultant with high level SEO skills.

Looking for tutorials the like, however not for novices - good 
experiences welcome.

I am also working with the Artshub artists collaborative 
and there are 100s of low level sites that could use some attention paid.
(yes, all 413 counties - there are over 2000 artist)

This opens up a possible coordinated effort to provide minor site guidance.

I don't see these as $1000 or even often a few $100 projects
BUT with a proper orchestrated effort it could easy support a good sized 
project - ($10/mon * ???)

OR if anyone knows a reliable trust worthy low level SEO option,
please advise -- might be a reasonable affiliate relationship if exists.

Open to any ideas.

Stay well - Rich

Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

Bio and personal blog: http://rizbang.com
Building the really big sites:      http://www.tnrglobal.com
Small/Soho business in the PV:        http://www.hidden-tech.net
Places to meet for business:        http://www.meetmewhere.com
And for Arts and relaxation:
http://TarotMuertos.com - Artistic Tarot Deck
Shakers: http://www.shakerpedia.com/
Helping move the world:             http://www.earththrives.com
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