[Hidden-tech] Google Drive scanning with iPhone JPG vs PDF

Andrew Bellak andrew at stakeholderscapital.com
Wed Oct 20 21:14:24 UTC 2021

Thanks for the suggestions.

Noah: "I would suggest using a dedicated document scanning app like 
Scanner Pro ( https://readdle.com/scannerpro )It will let you specify 
file size and format. It has OCR, and you can create custom workflows 
like uploading to DropBox, Google Drive, or other file services."

I was reminded of how I had downloaded Adobe Scan and never really 
played with it enough. I was able to save a photo scan to PDF that is 
500kb vs 3mb.



On 10/20/2021 4:05 PM, Jacqueline Sheridan wrote:
> Hi Andrew - try using the NOTES app on your iPhone -
> Create a new note, then tap the camera icon, and chose scan documents - I believe it makes it a pdf.
> Then you have to go through several levels of hell to get it onto your google drive.
> Have fun!
>> On Oct 20, 2021, at 1:50 PM, Andrew Bellak via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
>> It's really convenient to scan something with your phone to Google Drive.
>> I've noticed a difference between iOS and Android phones.
>> My iPhone will only create a .jpg whereas an Android will create a PDF after taking a photo of the doc to scan.
>> The file size difference is huge.
>> Any idea why this is and how to change it?
>> -- 
>> Andrew Bellak
>> CEO
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>> Andrew at StakeholdersCapital.com
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Andrew Bellak
Registered Investment Advisor

Andrew at StakeholdersCapital.com
(o) 888-STK-HLDR (785-4537) x.2
(f) 888-735-HLDR (4537)


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