[Hidden-tech] Northampton city vote on municipal internet

Mark D. Hamill markdhamill at gmail.com
Sat Oct 2 23:41:08 UTC 2021

If you live in Northampton or know people who live in Northampton, please

In 2017, the Northampton Community Network Coalition got its start from
members on this list. It's about a month until Northampton city elections
and after years of work it is finally time for voters to have their say on
creating a city-run municipal network.

Before voting for any candidates, you will be voting on Question 1 -
whether to allow the city to create a municipal light plant (MLP). If you
want the city to provide high-speed internet services to all residents and
businesses in the city, it's critical that you vote YES on Question 1.
Despite the question's title, the city would NOT be building a power plant
or telephone company. State law requires that voters authorize a MLP in
order for municipalities to create municipal networks.

Please share this with your neighbors and friends in Northampton. We have
noticed there is confusion in the community on the intent of Question 1.
It's critical that voters understand its true purpose.

Our coalition is hoping the Northampton community will help chip in for our
campaign to pass this initiative. We're targeting $2000 for our campaign
and have collected $845 so far. Can you help us? We're grateful for those
who contributed so far. We have a PayPal button if that works for you, plus
many other ways to contribute to this campaign! While on our donate page,
if you want a lawn sign or bumper sticker, click on the menu link at the
top. We should have lawn signs and stickers in about ten days.


To learn more about this effort, visit our website:

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