[Hidden-tech] Learn about: RFQ for web development of Western Mass Artshub

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Tue Jun 1 16:06:08 UTC 2021


The Western Mass Artshub is moving. It will be a dynamic, web-based 
portal to connect artists, residents, visitors,

and creative businesses to promote regional commerce, networking 
opportunities, and collaborative business experiences.

Because of the funding grant involved, this project is on a very tight 
time frame,
The quote needs to be in by June 20th, so don’t delay if you are 

If you are interested in getting the Request for Quote to develop the 
web site,
or just involve in the project:  email me offline

If you missed the announcement of the project, see http://wmartshub.org

Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

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Building the really big sites:http://www.tnrglobal.com
Small/Soho business in the PV:http://www.hidden-tech.net
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http://TarotMuertos.com  - Artistic Tarot Deck
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