[Hidden-tech] What the comments about using the Contao CMS

Jeff Brand jeff at deltafactory.com
Thu Jul 15 14:22:36 UTC 2021

I have no experience with this platform but some thoughts after a quick 
look at the demo site/admin:

Despite the dated look of the demo site, the extension repository seems 
fairly active. The GitHub repo is filled with lots of recent commits and 
issues. They support modern versions of PHP. Lots of documentation. All 
good signs that I wish I saw more often...

The content editor on the demo is "old-school" compared to the explosion 
of block editors and builders in the WordPress world. That may not be an 
issue for your client. The demo admin seems really clean and fast.

If you find extensions that do what you need, or find the learning curve 
for a custom plugin to be reasonable, then it seems worth a shot.

I hope you'll report back to us if you go that route.


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